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(VAG) 1,8t Firmware / Reset

Due to the large number of customers who delete the firmware on the 1.8t models,
here is the essential information:
1. the firmware supplied by us works perfectly with the control unit
2. misfiring or speed problems are not corrected with firmware updates, but the error must be searched for

If you still want to update the firmware, proceed as follows:
1. disconnect the ignition module
2. Load the desired firmware (firmware loader is included in the ZIP file)
3. load the appropriate MSQ (available for V3.4.4 under Downloads)
4. check ignition settings (GOING HIGH/LOW --> VERY IMPORTANT)
5. reconnect the ignition module only after checking the Tunerstudio settings

Image version until 2024:
1,8t - going low

Image new version or with conversion to TFSI ignition coils:
1,8t - going high